Nuit Blanche EXHIBITION Oct 5th 2019
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It's with much sadness that I post this video from Nuit Blanche 2019 in light of the recent loss of Saint Anne's Church where the staff graciously hosted my video installation. The staff were okay with me mounting a 20 x 20 foot screen in front of the alter with my ambient soundtrack filling the space of Canada’s only Byzantine Coppola style church that I'm aware of. The staff were very kind and accommodating as they are with all the arts community where I've seen many shows. They were open minded and took me in when I didn’t have a space to show two weeks before Nuit Blanch. It is a great loss for the community as they hosted live music, inter-faith gatherings and supported LGBQT issues. A great tragedy, not to mention loss of Group of Seven murals.
The video is a short clip from Frank Perna's video installation at Saint Anne’s Church 270 Gladstone, for Nuit Blanche, Oct 5th, 2019. The exhibition was a 2-projector loop with an ambient soundtrack. The combinations of the two videos are virtually infinite as the loop is 10-12 hours. The sync changes every performance. Stay for a few minutes or a few hours.
The location was a beautiful Byzantine Revival style building with domed interior that featured early group of seven (JEH Macdonald, Fred Varley and Franklin Carmichael) paintings.
"It’s the culmination of years of work and it’s effect is like looking at hundreds of my diptych paintings." Frank